Blog Post

How Hydro Jetting Helps Unclog Your Business' Toilets

  • By Admin
  • 01 Apr, 2019

Your company toilets keep clogging, and you aren't sure what to do. This problem is one that affects many businesses and occurs when employees misuse the toilet and flush items that they shouldn't. In this scenario, you need to get professional help to manage this clog.

Thankfully, treatment methods like hydro jetting provide a high-powered way of breaking apart the toughest clogs and keeping your water flowing smoothly. And hydro jetting can also offer other benefits that make it an excellent choice for your business.

Employees May Abuse the Company Toilet

A typical office may have two or three bathrooms to serve all of a business' employees. That high concentration of individual users can be devastating for a toilet when misused. For example, some employees may use too much toilet paper, flush irregularly, or use the bathroom like a dumping ground for a variety of items that they really shouldn't be flushing.

Proper training and education on the dangers of improper toilet use may curtail many of these activities. However, not everyone will give up this bad behavior or may misuse the toilet in desperation. For example, some items seem like they'd logically flush down the toilet without issue but end up becoming a real problem when they collect in a pipe and cause a clog.

Some of the items employees flush cannot be removed with standard clog-removal tools. That type of clog typically takes some time to build, though, so if you fully understand what kind of items to ban from the toilet, you might be able to prevent the clogs from occurring.

Common Items That Cause Clogs

Just a few items that your employees may wrongly flush down a toilet include:

  • Feminine hygiene products — Some women may flush their feminine products down the toilet when finished. Unfortunately, these products do not break down in pipes and may cause a nasty clog. Provide a closed container where your female employees can place these used products.

  • Leftover food — Food, particularly dishes with a lot of greases — can cause nasty clogs when flushed down the toilet. Unfortunately, some employees may try to get rid of leftovers by flushing them. Place a sealed trash can near the food prep area to minimize this risk.

  • Dental care items — Employees who use floss at work may flush their leftover strands down the toilet. This action may be a problem if the floss collects on the side of the pipe and ties up other items. A strict "no floss" rule may be necessary for the office to avoid this issue.

  • Moisturized wipes — Wipes provide your employees with extra sanitation and keep their hands and face clean. However, some may flush these down the toilet, which is a problem. Wipes don't break down in the toilet and create quick, stubborn clogs.

If employees flushed many of these items down your toilet before you took corrective measures, you should get hydro jetting done on your pipes to break apart any potential clogs.

Hydro Jetting May Help

Hydro jetting uses powerful bursts of water to break apart clogs in pipes quickly and efficiently. This clog-removal option provides the most comprehensive and effective way to clean your clogged pipes, particularly of items that cannot biodegrade.

For example, greasy food, sanitation napkins, and more can be quickly flushed out of your pipes with this method. And hydro jetting also cleans and sanitizes the interior sides of your tube, which helps to eliminate mold or mildew that food and other items may have helped grow.

We Can Help Manage Your Clogs

So if your business is suffering from a severe toilet clog that you can't eliminate, call us right away at Equisure Inspectors to get the professional help that you need. We can hydro jet your line to break apart clogs and also clean mold, mildew, bacteria, and other contaminants to keep your office bathroom safe.

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